Sunday 17 November 2013

Factors that Encourage Offshoring

In my previous posts I have mentioned factors that effect offshore software development. But in this post I will highlight the factors that motivate companies to go for offshoring

  1. Economic Factors: lower salaries, interest rate, development of capital markets, capital costs and emergence of technology centers.
  2. Political - Legal conditions: labour, taxation and competition laws.
  3. Socio-demographic Factors: population size, age structure, education levels and workforce motivation.
  4. Technological Factors: development in technology and transportation.

Sunday 10 November 2013

Research Methodology for my thesis

I have been working on designing a research methodology for my PhD thesis. As developing a new software development methodology isn't as straightforward as developing a software itself. The issue with developing a new methodology is how will we validate and evaluate it.

The approach that I will be using it to hold reflective workshops[1] and based on the findings I shall validate my methodology for offshore software development.


[1] Reflection workshops. [Available:]