Wednesday, 3 July 2013


For any software, people are the primary factor (Phillips, 2004). In fact the “people” factor is so important that Software Engineering Institute has developed a People Capability Maturity Model (People-CMM) in order to improve the ability of an organization to attract, motivate, develop and organise the work force needed to achieve their business objectives (Curtis, Hefley and Miller, 2001)

The challenge with people is that yet importance of people in software development process has been agreed upon but often people are taken for granted (Pressman, 2010). Managers argue that people are important but their action defer. Another challenge is that people are highly unpredictable so in order to have a successful product we need to have a balance between the wants and needs of the people (Buettner, Millette, 2010).


Buettner, Douglas J., and Chad Millette. From Projects to People: Shifting the Software Acquisition Paradigm. AIR FORCE MATERIEL COMMAND WRIGHT-PATTERSON AFB OH, 2010.

Curtis, B., W.Hefley , and S. Miller, People Capability Maturity Model, Addison- Wesley , 2001.

Phillips, Dwayne. The software project manager&s handbook. IEEE computer society, 2004.

Pressman ,Roger S., Software Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach, McGraw-Hill Higher Education; 7th edition (2010 )ISBN: 0073375977

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