Monday, 30 December 2013

Next Stages of My PhD

The next stages of my research will be as follows:
  1. Arrange initial meetings with a group of software companies to identify, which companies fall under my research criteria.
  2. Formal meeting dates will be set with the team. 
  3. Semi-Structured interviews will be conducted in order to gather data. 
  4. On the data collected qualitative research analysis will be applied in order to analyse the findings from the interview. 
  5. Based on the findings I will work on developing a new methodology, which will contribute in solving issues of offshore software development. 
  6. In order to verify and validated my methodology I will hold reflective workshops and apply replication logic

Monday, 23 December 2013

Agile Methods and offshoring

Many companies use different agile methodologies for different purposes. The table below shows the use of different methodologies:

  •  Berczuk, S., Back to basics: The role of agile principles in success with an distributed scrum team. Proceedings of AGILE, 2007, pp. 382-388 
  •  Holmstrom, H., Conchúir, E. Ó., Agerfalk, J., & Fitzgerald, B. (2006). Global software development challenges: A case study on temporal, geographical and socio-cultural distance. In Global Software Engineering, 2006. ICGSE'06. International Conference), 3-11.
  • Jensen, B. and Zilmer, A. Cross-continent development using Scrum and XP. Proceedings of XP. Springer Berlin, 2003, pp. 146-153
  •  Kircher, M., Jain, P., Corsaro, A. and Levine, D. Distributed Extreme Programming. Proceedings of the International Con- ference on eXtreme Programmingand Flexible Processes in  Software Engineering, Sardinia, Italy, May 20 - 23,2001.
  •  Smits, H. and Pshigoda, G. Implementing scrum in a distributed software development organization. Proceedings of AGILE 2007, pp. 371-375.