Monday 23 December 2013

Agile Methods and offshoring

Many companies use different agile methodologies for different purposes. The table below shows the use of different methodologies:

  •  Berczuk, S., Back to basics: The role of agile principles in success with an distributed scrum team. Proceedings of AGILE, 2007, pp. 382-388 
  •  Holmstrom, H., Conchúir, E. Ó., Agerfalk, J., & Fitzgerald, B. (2006). Global software development challenges: A case study on temporal, geographical and socio-cultural distance. In Global Software Engineering, 2006. ICGSE'06. International Conference), 3-11.
  • Jensen, B. and Zilmer, A. Cross-continent development using Scrum and XP. Proceedings of XP. Springer Berlin, 2003, pp. 146-153
  •  Kircher, M., Jain, P., Corsaro, A. and Levine, D. Distributed Extreme Programming. Proceedings of the International Con- ference on eXtreme Programmingand Flexible Processes in  Software Engineering, Sardinia, Italy, May 20 - 23,2001.
  •  Smits, H. and Pshigoda, G. Implementing scrum in a distributed software development organization. Proceedings of AGILE 2007, pp. 371-375.

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