Sunday 22 April 2018

Tips for Preparing for PhD Viva

Well.. now since I have been through that hell and seen a lot of my fellow researcher go through it, I can share things that helped make that process painless and actually an experience that I ended up really enjoying.   

So here are some tips that I would  recommend anyone who is preparing for their viva should consider:

  • Look up recent publications of your external supervisor and think of ways how you can link it with your work so that the examiner knows that you have done the background work which is expected from a PhD researcher.
  • Prepare the basic questions that are always asked in a viva, my university had a template of the frequently asked questions, so I'm assuming most universities have one too and if you don't have one, just ping me, I'll share the document given to me by my university with you.
  • Read your complete thesis again a week before going into the viva and make sure if you have identified a typo or error you make a list of them and take it with you in the exam so that you can inform the examiner that you have already noted that mistake and intended to fix it in the final version.
  • An important tip given to me by my supervisor was to again search for new articles that might have been published once you have finalised your results and make sure to prepare a valid argument on how they may or may not effect your main contribution. 
  • Lastly, its always good to have one or two articles published before your viva and if you haven't been able to publish, at least make sure you have sent a paper to be published before your viva so that you can say that your paper is currently under review and will be published soon. 
If you have any more questions let me and I'm looking forward to answering them. 

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